Generate and close 3 times more quality leads anywhere in the country, increase the profit margins on those deals by at least 20%, & build a consistent & profitable business!

Without you or your team seeing the properties or spending more money on marketing

✅ Build A Business That Provides You Freedom & Flexibility!

✅ No More Stressing Over Inconsistent Deal Flow!

✅ 6 -Figure Months Is The New Norm For Your Business!

✅ Only Talk To Property Owners Who Want To Sell!

“Build a business that helps you live life by design and not by default!”

Does this sound familiar? Just a few years ago, we used to struggle in our business to have consistent and profitable months. One month we would easily close 6 figures, then the next we couldn't even close enough deals to cover our overhead. We used to always be stressed, anxious and frustrated.

We started investing in real estate in February 2016. For the first few years we made ok money, but our business was like a rollercoaster; one month we were up the next month, we were down and at times we actually wanted to quit the business.

We worked long hours only to discover that we didn’t own the business, it owned us. After 4 long stressful years of the business owning us, and not making more money year after year, we knew it was time for a change.

There were certain aspects of the business that we were really good at, but needed a few more pieces to make it the business we dreamed of. After years of frustration, we finally decided to do what we knew had to be done and we hired a mentor. Our mentor shared with us how to do very profitable deals by going nationwide and that was the start of us running and operating the business we always dreamt of.

It was in this time of working closely with our mentor, that we created the solution to our business, and most likely yours as well, the CPR Hack. The first year of us creating and implementing our proven CPR Hack, we decreased our cost per lead from $453 to an average of $92, 5X our quality lead flow, and 3X our deal flow. Finally, we had consistent and predictable deal flow, and we added an additional $1.2 million in revenue to our business in just the first year.

The best part of all this is we didn't have to hire more staff and increase our overhead, we didn't have to spend more money on marketing, & our team only spoke to highly motivated home owners who wanted to sell their properties for cash.

It has taken us almost 3 years to create and perfect the CPR Hack, but our students are experiencing success in as little as 60 days! We’ve perfected our business model to ensure YOU get the results you want, FAST!


The CPR Hack Is For You If……

  • You want to discover how to maximize profit on every lead you generate anywhere in the country

  • If you want to finally own your business and not have it own you

  • If you want consistent and predictable lead flow so you can have consistent and predictable deal flow

  • You want you or your team only talking to sellers who are ready to sell their property for cash now

  • You want a proven and scalable system that works

The CPR Hack Isn’t For You If…..

  • If you don't want to do deals anywhere in the country

  • If you want high qualified lead cost & want to spend more money on marketing

  • If you want to work long hours and not massively increase your take home pay

  • If you are OK leaving money on the table and don't want to learn multiple exit strategies to ensure you can maximize profit on each deal



You want to ensure that you have a solid business foundation so as your growing & building teams, you protect your business. In addition, if you want consistent and predict deal flow, you need to know how to find, analyze and build teams in other markets

Focus on only generating highly motivated seller leads, drastically reduce your cost per lead, and increase your deal flow.
Study your analytics and get detailed insight on your data to define which marketing channels are giving you the best conversion, and how you can optimize your marketing.

When you implement the CPR Hack, you will quickly increase your quality lead flow so we will teach you how to underwrite a house in 3 minutes or less. Furthermore, if you want to increase the profit on each deal, we will show you how to determine which exit strategy will give you the highest return on your time and effort and how to effectively execute on that exit strategy

Discover how to identify, hire, and manage teams effectively & determine which ones will be a good fit for your business. Plus: Learn how to identify any potential red flags. In addition, we will provide you scorecards & what KPI’s you should be tracking for each department of your business.

We will show you how to find, pitch, & work with private money lenders so you can fund your deals. You will know how to leverage other people's money to build wealth. Confidently send offers on properties and know that the money to flip it or buy and hold it is in place

Maximize Your Real Estate Investing Business Potential With These Bonus Strategies and Resources

Deal Lab

Live weekly coaching on how you can underwrite deals anywhere in the country. This helps you confidently send offers

Phone A Friend

Never lose another deal. Call us or our team at anytime to help you close deals

Investor Tool Kit & Vault

Access all the softwares, resources, agreements, and docs you need to build your business

Make A Friend Sales Training

Stop going on home appointments & learn how you and your team can be assassins and lock up discounted deals right on the phone

Private Community

Connect and build with like minded and growth minded people. Access exclusive content. Get all your questions answered quickly by us or someone on our team

Even More…..

On Demand Video Trainings

Review and learn from our pre-recorded trainings. We address all questions about the process, brainstorm ideas, and go in-depth on the CPR Hack. Hear about our own start-up story and get a glimpse at your future financial freedom.

Ready To Go Follow Up Specialist (Leads Manager)

There is money sitting in your CRM system, you need to consistently follow up with them. Have a trained and dedicated person to follow up with and push motivated sellers leads to your closer.

Custom Built CRM

Help you easily track every part of your business, all your employees, and automate your follow-up to ensure you capitalize on every lead.

Done For You Marketing Services

Work with the same marketing team that has helped us produce millions in profit.


What are the consequences if you don't start today?

Let’s be honest: you put off important things that you know you need to do, and if you don’t act right now, it’s not going to happen.

Your life is likely going to stay the same way it’s been until you make a bold move and do something for you for a change.‍

The feelings of knowing you could be doing better, not reaching your full potential, and living below what you are truly capable of has been on your mind for too long.

We’ve been there, and it’s no way to live.You are reading this knowing, now you MUST take action and make the best investment you will ever make; an investment in you!

Stop putting your dream life on hold, take action today so you can start living the life you deserve.